
Which of the following transformations is shown? A.Translation 5 units up and 4 units to the right B.Translation 5 units up and 5 units to the right C.Reflection across the y-axis and translation 4 units up. D.Reflection across the x-axis and translation 4 units to the right.

Accepted Solution

Answer:A. Translation 5 units up and 4 units to the rightStep-by-step explanation:A translation is a point-by-point movement by a prescribed number of units up/down and/or left/right. Point A is moved from (-3,-1) up 5 and right 4 units to A prime at (1,4)Point B is moved from (-4,-3) up 5 and right 4 units to B prime at (0,2)Point C is moved from (-2,-3) up 5 and right 4 units to C prime at (2,2)